JIU BO ZHAN SHEN Man Viagra 15 pills/box


JIU BO ZHAN SHEN Man Viagra 15 pills/box

100% Brand New and High Quality.
One of the best pills to improve your sexual experiences, get a harder stronger erection and enjoy better overall performance.
Help to improve sexual intercourse quality, shorten the interval for a second intercourse.
No side effects, No headaches or rebound fatigue.
Repeated use will significantly increase your size. All products are 100% Original that come directly from the producing companies.
1 box (10 capsules))
Expiration Date: 3 Years.
Storage: Put it in cool dry place.
one grain to see the effect, bigger and thicker. No dependence, no side effects. Take after drinking, do not affect the effect. You need to do Sexual fantasies, it will be more effect.
If your weight is heavy, Suggest to take 2 pills at a time, the effect is more better.
Use Directions:
1-2 at a time capsule. Take effect in 30-60 minutes, and last for about 24 hours. Not an overdose, 72 hours may not be reused.
Must be 18 or older to use this product. Keep out of reach of children. Keep out of reach of children.
Consult with your physician before using this product if you have heart problems, diabetes and or high blood pressure.
Warm Tips:
Because each persons physical condition is different, the product will have different effects for everyone. If you have any questions about the efficacy, please contact us in time. It usually takes 3 courses to improve, so please stick with it.
In order to protect your privacy,we promise send your products in a secret condition, the packaging will be a box or a plastic bag without any pictures and words about sex.Man Viagra 15 pills/boxmtxx38mtxx36mtxx39mtxx40mtxx3711 (1)11 (3)11 (2)

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